energy / enneagram / astrology

Connecting the dots & charting a higher path through guided discovery

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Discover the Mysteries Within

insights / growth / healing

Whether you're on a path of self discovery or would like to learn better ways to communicate with a partner, family member, or friend — the combined, time-honored systems used in Enneastrology offer layer upon layer of understanding. In synthesizing multiple approaches, the harmonizing result offers even greater confidence and clarity.

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Awareness is the beginning of healing

If you've found your way to enneastrology, it's likely that you're interested in making the most of this life. Awareness is key. What patterns may be holding you back? Are you making the most of your innate gifts? Where do you want to go from here? Using insights from the Enneagram, astrology, and more, we can begin to uncover the answers to these questions.  Start exploring


A little about me Since childhood, I've been fascinated by the mysterious. I began to discover that looking high enough and deep enough for long enough often yielded glimpses of unveiled possibilities. In a word, I'm curious. Curious about origins and spirituality and life: Why are we here? Is everything connected? What matters most? What now? My journey has been full of twists and turns, revelations and dead ends, frustration and awe. In the process, I've explored many theories and modalities, some of which have been immensely helpful for my growth and healing. And now, I'd love to share all of this with you. I'm so glad you're here!

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I didn’t know what to expect when Anj gave me an enneastrology reading, but she swept me off my feet. Her combined reading not only pointed out past traumas and related current difficulties, but also provided me with concrete options to overcome my struggles. Her level of expertise has allowed me to engage into a deep personal work. Her insights have allowed me to look at my life with new perspectives. And her emotional intelligence associated with the absence of judgment has allowed me to lay down difficult topics with her, and ask additional questions after the reading. Her very accurate insights have allowed me to bring significant change in my life, quickly, and feel more connected to my life purpose. 

– Marion

Anj, through her incredible gifts, has shed light on so many things in my life that I am working through. Being a student of the enneagram for a number of years, I felt pretty confident that I had that angle figured out. But adding in the astrology component just created so much more nuance! Anj is very wise and empathetic and it shows in her careful readings. She has the ability to merge these two systems in a way that breaks wide open the horizons of understanding. Because of this, my relationships have improved. I am able to give grace to others where I may not have in the past. She is really special.

– Erika

Anj provided valuable insights into my personality through the use of the astrology chart. These insights included various opportunities for growth that I can apply in my life. They also helped me understand patterns in my interactions with others.

– Brad

Having worked with the Enneagram for a number of years, I became interested in considering personality traits and triggers through the lens of astrology. Anj was recommended by a friend who had worked with her previously, and she provided valuable insights into my personality structure, together with helpful suggestions that I incorporated into my life. She also considered the astrological aspects with regards to other members of my family. I highly recommend her due to her expertise, kindness, and empathy.

– Jelena

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