Energy / Enneagram / Astrology ✧FAQs✧

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What is Enneastrology? (and other FAQs)

Hopefully, you'll find the answer to your other burning questions below.

If not, drop me an email and I'll do the best I can to answer your question or point you in the right direction.

General Questions:

  • What is Enneastrology?

    The way I define it, Enneastrology is simply a fun word to describe the particular combination of services I offer: Energy + Enneagram + Astrology

    In fact, you might come across a few other people on the web who had the same great idea for a name, but take a different approach (see my resources page for more info). 

  • How can Enneastrology help me?

    By cross-referencing both systems, I've found a greater confindence in the insights offered by Enneagram and astrology. 

    Because of the multi-faceted nature of our personalities, I don't personally believe 1-to-1 correlations can be consistently reliable (i.e., not all Virgo sun signs are enneagram type 1s, though some may be). However, because of this complexity, discovering the harmonizing aspects between our Enneagram typing and our natal charts becomes all the more exciting, confirming, and therefore — useful.

  • What is your turnaround time?

    Unless otherwise stated in the confirmation response to your order, I typically deliver:

    • Reports and Charts within 2 business days after payment is received.
    • Video Readings and Writen Consultations within 1 - 2 weeks after payment is received.
    • Live Readings within 2 - 4 weeks after payment is received, depending on scheduling availability.
  • I'm new to all of this and feel overwhelmed. Can you help?

    Enneastrology definitely has a language of its own with lots of jargon. Some say the best way to understand the elephant it is bit by bit. Others prefer to jump on and go for a ride.

    I say, do both! Dive in, get a reading, and continue to make sense of it all as you go. I can customize a package just for you. Simply start by filling out this questionnaire.

    There's a lot of great info out there. I've posted links some of my favortite on the resources page.

  • Hey anj, what are your qualifications?

    A life-long learner, some of my greatest qualifications for this endeavor include: curiosity, fascination, and dedication — backed by a desire to assimilate and share discoveries in connection with others in pursuit of beneficial growth.

    Additionally, I've been a communications professional for the past 30 years, including educator training at the masters level.

    Perhaps most importantly, I'm human and know all too well the challenges we face — but the joys too! I care about humanity, all creatures, our world... and, I care about you! : )

    I've covered a lot of ground in the past 20 years of in-depth spiritual / philosophical / psychological exploration. 

    That's nice, you say... but I need something a bit more specific and concrete. Totally understand this, so I've invested in official certification programs to undergird my own private study.

     In terms of formal certification, I have received:

    • Enneagram teacher certification 
    • Reiki Level II practicioner certification in the Usui System of Natural Healing
    • Accredited astrology certification 
    • Certified yoga instructor (including meditative practice; specializing in yin and restorative yoga). 
    • Sound therapy specialist

    I have additionally logged countless hours in self-study/research of Enneagram and astrology, along with other interests via books, video, articles, and podcasts. Some of my favorite subject matter experts include:

    Enneagram: Sterlin Mosley, Aaron Addonizio, Riso & Hudson, A. H. Almaas, and many more

    Astrology: Chris Brennan, Chani Nicolas, Austin Coppock, Molly McCord, Henry Seltzer, Steven Forrest, Melanie Reinhart, and many more

  • What if my question isn't on this list?

    Please contact me... chances are, if you have that question, someone else does too and I can add it to this list of FAQs. 

Enneagram Questions:

  • How do I figure out my Enneagram type?

    Many people begin by taking a enneagram test that may point you in the right direction. However, some tests are better than others, and you're likely to get varying results on different tests. Not to mention, a test may not be able to capture subconscious truths that you may not even be aware of.

    So, while testing can provide some insights, if you want to use the Enneagram for growth and healing, there's so much more to uncover! A professional typing session with a certified Enneagram coach (see resources) can be invaluable to help talk through your test results and get to the core of your personality. 

  • Do you offer Enneagram typing?

    I do not  aim to "type" you, but instead will offer suggestions of core, tritype and instincts that align with your natal chart.

    As a certified Enneagram teacher, I'm happy to provide a written, video, or live consultation, discussing any aspect of your Enneagram typing without involving your astrology. (But you will be missing part of the fun!)

  • What is a Trifix?

    The general premise of trifix is that we each have a core Enneagram type in one center, as well as a primary type fixation in the other two centers.  The three centers of intelligence are: Gut (types 8, 9, 1); Heart (types 2, 3, 4); and Head (types 5, 6, 7).

    The beauty of trifix is that it offers a fuller picture of our personalities, which typically presents as an energetic archetype. Trifix can sometimes be a helpful starting point for identifying your more detailed typing profile.

Astrology Questions:

  • What does astrology have to do with the Enneagram?

    In perhaps it's broadest defitinition, astrology is the observation of connections between astronomical and earthly events. For our purposes here, we'll primarily be looking at your natal chart, which is a snapshot of the sky at your birth. This information should ideally harmonize with your enneagram type, adding confidence that your typing is on point.

    Mysteriously, placement of the stars and planets seems to have a correlation with personality traits and the way the events of our lives unfold. Skeptical? Me too! But also curious... and after learning to reading charts, including my own and those of close family and friends, I've been continuously amazed. Not convinced? The only way to rule it out is to see for yourself! : )

  • What is your astrological approach?

    I practice tropical/western astrology, using whole sign houses and a mixture of traditional and modern methodology. 

    While I believe there is validity to other approaches, I have felt a greater resonnance with the results of using these methods.

  • Can I get a report, chart, or reading for someone else?

    If you would like to review or gift a report or chart for someone else, or get a reading for greater understanding of your child, partner, or family member, that is generally acceptable — with permission from that person.

    Compatibility reports are not yet available, but coming soon based on demand. So if this is something you're interested in, please let me know!

    The best way to gift a report, customized chart, or reading for an adult is via gift certificate.

  • Will my astrology report or reading tell me negative things I may not want to know?

    The written reports offer generalized information. Opportunities and challenges may be mentioned.

    For our purposes with Enneastrology, I do not go into predictions of future events or anything that may cause anxiety. We may review such topics as potential childhood wounds and general opportunities for growth, but I am very sensitive to keeping the readings encouraging.

  • Some of the things in my report don't sound like me — how come?

    The written astrology reports I offer are general overviews, compiled from interpretations written by astrology Henry Seltzer. As such, not every word will be applicable to you. It is like looking at the ocean and describing its color: you might see teal, turquoise, blue and someone else might see green, white, or even black depending on what aspect and depth we are describing. 

    Astrological influences offer symbolic possibilties. Similar to a weather forecast, it suggests "conditions are right" for things to potentially unfold a certain way.

    Some people are naturally more skeptical than others, and confirmation bias is certainly possible as well. I usually suggest that we approach the mysterious with an open, yet discerning view. With Enneastrology, one primary objective is to learn about ourselves in relation to others and our world, so noticing that certain things don't resonnate is still valuable information.

    The other thing that comes into play with Enneastrology is that it's all intertwined and some facets and aspects may impact others, whether amplifying or negating the influence. For instance, you may behave like a type 1 sometimes, but also have type 3 tendencies. Or you may have Jupiter in Leo (7th house) opposing Saturn conjunct Sun in Virgo (1st house). On the surface, this person may appear more reserved in some environments, but in the context of close relationships show more exuberance.

    If you ever have questions about your reading, I encourage you to use the follow-up email question that comes with each service and we can discuss further.

  • Who is Henry Seltzer?

    Henry Seltzer is the seasoned astrologer who wrote the interpretations for the reports generated by the astrology software that I use for readings. Similar to Enneagram tests, generalized astrology reports offer a good baseline for our work together.

    In addition to using Mr. Seltzer's interpretations as a spring board, I have studied the many methods and assimilate the approaches of several noted and respected astrologers, along with using my own intuition and experience (see the question regarding my qualifications for details).

  • What if I don't know my birth time?

    An accurate birth time is important because a matter of minutes can impact the placement of planets in your birth chart. Without it, we will still be able to look at many aspects together, but some aspects may remain in question. 

    Many astrologists offer birth chart rectification services. Please see the resources page for more information.

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