There are countless teachers, mentors and fellow sojourners that I'd love to thank and recommend.
Sterlin & Aaron are not only extremely knowledgeable about many facets of the Enneagram, but they have been very generous with their expertise (I am a grateful benefactor). Their Enneagram test is the best one available, imo — check their site out for current offerings.
Chani also offers free birth charts and tons of astrological info. The Chani app is one of my fave personal resources. I look forward to "The Week Ahead" podcast every Sunday... she's so personable and encouraging!
Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, Kelly Surtees and others, have been instrumental in teaching me most of what I know about Astrology. This podcast is a treasure trove of information. If you're interested in astrology, I highly recommend!
Astrograph (Henry Seltzer) offers free birthcharts via their website as well as through the TimePassages app. I use TimePassages software for running all charts and have a commercial license to customize and offer the reports to you.
Andrea Kennedy graciously offers distance reiki via her YouTube channel, Mainstream Reiki as well as "Beyond the Reiki Gateway," a podcast for the spiritually curious. Her videos are a great way to receive reiki in the comfort of your own home!
In addition to the helpful sites above, here are a few more to check out!